Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Buster; we too are due end of June or early July, but Duncan (our son) came five weeks early, so I am not going to put *too* much weight in the due-date. I seem to recall running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get everything in order...and still forgetting half the stuff we needed (for example, I packed a dozen pairs of socks and boxers, but no extra t-shirts, three packs of smokes but no lighter, etc. etc.).
While we didn't want to find out the sex with our first, it happened anyway when we went in for the last ultra-sound. It is kind of hard to measure hips and femur growth without a glimpse of the package (or lack thereof). Ostensibly, we won't purposefully find out this time either, but it may happen anyway. If you're wondering, I am hoping it's a girl this time around - if only to complete the picture of me sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair, hound-dog at my feet, shotgun on my lap, and corncob screwed into my yap.
Your attitude mirrors mine exactly, too - Shari (my wife) was concerned that I wouldn't react well, as this child is by no means planned, but hey, as Cyndi said, kids rock...but I am getting the snip once this one is born healthy.