John Bull Fragrant English is an American English blend consisting of Burley, black Cavendish, and Cyprian Latakia. This is one of John Bull's new blends, and comes in a 1.5 ounce pouch.
I think I was expecting something similar to Lane's HGL, with "fragrant" in the title and containing black Cavendish. Smoking it in my corn cob pipes, I don't get much sweetness from the black Cavendish. The P&C website also says it has a liquor topping, but I don't get much of that in the taste. What I do taste is primarily the Burley and Latakia. This is a good blend for those who prefer Burley/Latakia blends, aka American English. The taste is fairly consistent throughout, and requires an average number of relights. It seems to be just the right moisture in the pouch, although since it's a new blend that I had to wait on backorder, it hasn't had time to do much sitting on a shelf.
If you like John Bull Royal English (the original John Bull), you will probably like this. I give it three out of four stars.
I think I was expecting something similar to Lane's HGL, with "fragrant" in the title and containing black Cavendish. Smoking it in my corn cob pipes, I don't get much sweetness from the black Cavendish. The P&C website also says it has a liquor topping, but I don't get much of that in the taste. What I do taste is primarily the Burley and Latakia. This is a good blend for those who prefer Burley/Latakia blends, aka American English. The taste is fairly consistent throughout, and requires an average number of relights. It seems to be just the right moisture in the pouch, although since it's a new blend that I had to wait on backorder, it hasn't had time to do much sitting on a shelf.
If you like John Bull Royal English (the original John Bull), you will probably like this. I give it three out of four stars.