This blend is only sold in eight ounce cans, and will be available Friday, Oct. 13 at 6 p.m. EST.
The dark fired Kentucky provides a fair amount of earth, wood, vegetation, herbs, floralness, some spice, nuts, mild sourness, and a bare hint of barbecue as the lead component. The earthy, nutty, woody, bready, sugary burleys are just above secondary support status. The Virginias produce light tart and tangy citrus, grass, bread, floralness, sugar, and a pinch of spice. They are a step below the burleys, and above the condiment line. The maple topping moderately tones down the varietals, and slightly weakens after the half way point. The mixture starts out just above the medium mark, but gains a little strength after the first quarter of the bowl. The strength, nic-hit, and taste levels are a notch short of the center of medium to strong. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a mostly consistent sweet and spicy, floral, herbal, nutty, mildly sour, savory flavor that extends to the pleasantly lingering after taste. The room note is just a touch above being pleasant. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and doesn’t require many relights. Not quite an all day smoke, but it’s repeatable. Four stars.
The dark fired Kentucky provides a fair amount of earth, wood, vegetation, herbs, floralness, some spice, nuts, mild sourness, and a bare hint of barbecue as the lead component. The earthy, nutty, woody, bready, sugary burleys are just above secondary support status. The Virginias produce light tart and tangy citrus, grass, bread, floralness, sugar, and a pinch of spice. They are a step below the burleys, and above the condiment line. The maple topping moderately tones down the varietals, and slightly weakens after the half way point. The mixture starts out just above the medium mark, but gains a little strength after the first quarter of the bowl. The strength, nic-hit, and taste levels are a notch short of the center of medium to strong. Burns cool and clean at a reasonable rate with a mostly consistent sweet and spicy, floral, herbal, nutty, mildly sour, savory flavor that extends to the pleasantly lingering after taste. The room note is just a touch above being pleasant. Barely leaves any dampness in the bowl, and doesn’t require many relights. Not quite an all day smoke, but it’s repeatable. Four stars.