I've been smoking a pipe for 34 years but I only opened the door to non-UK and non-Europen blends about 18 months ago. There are now only 3 reviewers I always ook for when considering a new smoke - Jim, DK (who unfortunately no longer writes) and Pipestud. I look at others, but in these I trust. Their styles and reviews of the same tobaccos vary, but they all add value and give me a consistently sound basis for my own judgement. Jim takes the time and makes the effort to provide top-drawer, measured analysis of a wide range of blends. I don't always agree with him, but I value Jim's comments very highly. It is inevitable that Jim gets close to the blenders - he's a major voice in their market - but he is always looking to give us an honest, well-structured opinion. Jim provides us with a wonderful service - for free. How many times can you honestly say that?
Jim - thank you for your work. It will stand the test of time and continue to provide us with great advice long after other, more personal, views have been forgotten. Well done my friend!