The sweet toppings have a number flavors mixed in, including wintergreen, licorice (lots of that), sarsaparilla, vanilla, possibly pineapple, etc. The perfume and soap others mention is certainly ever present. I can see this appealing to smokers who like lakeland scented tobaccos.
The way I see it, Jim has done a great job of comparing Mixture #79 to those in its own genre (Lakelands), which in my opinion makes it a more objective review than simply on personal taste. I've not tried Lakeland flavored tobacco so I'm not sure what I'm missing, but if I were a huge fan of Lakelands Jim's review helps me put Mixture #79 into a better perspective. Taking Jim's review and combining it with other perspectives about Mixture 79, it would appear that someone who has never tried Lakelands should probably not try Mix 79 as his/her first Lakeland tobacco. However, those with a strong affinity to Lakelands might want to give it a go--it may be a diamond in the rough. As Jim stated, "'s popular enough to continue production."How you rate it obviously depends upon whether or not you like the toppings, and while many hate it, it’s popular enough to continue production.