The "ketchup" smell disappears from the taste for the most part after some puffs. The sugary cased bright Virginias dull the grass notes, but sweetly compliments the dark fruity, tangy, mildly earthy red Virginias, the latter being the most dominant due to the processing of the very sweet stoved red. The yenidje offers a very slight sourness along with some woody smokiness, and is obvious in virtually every puff. The perique is more plum and raisin than spicy, and though it's not a major player, its presence adds some depth and important complexity, elevating the taste of the well balanced blend. Burns very slowly as flake tobaccos often will, and stays cool no matter how much it's pushed with no dullness or harsh spots. It does require some relights.The flavor is consistent from start to finish as every ingredient shines with a very sweetly pleasant after taste that lingers.