Not sure of the release date, but I figure early August.
The very smoky, woody, earth, mildly sweet Cyprian latakia is the lead component, but not by a lot. The moderately spicy, woody, floral, earthy, dry and buttery sweet Orientals play an important support role with the sweetness and wood being just a little more prominent than the other aforementioned attributes. The nutty, earthy, woody, lightly cocoa-ish, lightly molasses sweet burley plays a step below the level of the Orientals. There seems to be more of the grassy, citrusy bright Virginia than the burley, but it is in a secondary position below the other tobaccos. The strength and taste thresholds sit squarely on the medium mark. The nicotine is a little closer to medium than it is to mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Expertly blended, you’ll notice all very consistent flavor nuances from start to finish in virtually every puff. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste. Can be an all day smoke. Four stars.
The very smoky, woody, earth, mildly sweet Cyprian latakia is the lead component, but not by a lot. The moderately spicy, woody, floral, earthy, dry and buttery sweet Orientals play an important support role with the sweetness and wood being just a little more prominent than the other aforementioned attributes. The nutty, earthy, woody, lightly cocoa-ish, lightly molasses sweet burley plays a step below the level of the Orientals. There seems to be more of the grassy, citrusy bright Virginia than the burley, but it is in a secondary position below the other tobaccos. The strength and taste thresholds sit squarely on the medium mark. The nicotine is a little closer to medium than it is to mild. Won’t bite or get harsh. Expertly blended, you’ll notice all very consistent flavor nuances from start to finish in virtually every puff. Burns cool and clean at a moderate pace. Leaves little moisture in the bowl, and requires an average number of relights. Has a very pleasant, lightly lingering after taste. Can be an all day smoke. Four stars.