The Virginias are grassy sweet with a touch of citrus, and a little earth. The Oriental /Turkish are very smoky, woody, and a little floral and spicy, all of which are noticeable in every puff. I get just a little cocoa, which may come from from a pinch of Kentucky, though that ingredient isn't noted in the description. Sometimes, it can come from a Turkish varietal. The Cyprian latakia is smoky and woody sweet and makes up a fair portion of the product. The unflavored black cavendish helps smooth out the rough edges with some creaminess. I'm not sure about the topping, but I sort of got a bourbon note from it. The fermentation this blend undergoes in the processing causes a little of that (and/or rum) type of sweet flavor, which makes it hard to identify the topping. While the vanilla and other sweet flavors keep this from being a lat-bomb, this blend has enough strength to please most experienced English smokers while being light enough on the nicotine to be a repeatable smoke during the day. It's not an all day smoke though. Burns cool and slow as a krumble cake will do with no dull or harsh spots. It needs to be smoked slowly or at a moderate pace. The tobaccos are well balanced so that you taste all the nuances in every puff, and I do recommend a wide bowl for this. Leaves very little moisture, though I find stirring up the tobacco in the last quarter of the bowl helps to burn it to a satisfactory finish. Has a very pleasant spicy after taste.