I'm glad I got to contribute to a blend review on the show! It's not often that I get to introduce a pipe veteran to anything new in this b'iness, so it's an unexpected pleasure.
Your review regarding the dark leaves vs. the perique put me in mind of a conversation I had with Jeremy Reeves back at Muletown where I asked him what C&D meant by 100% genuine St. James perique. Specifically, I reasoned that if he was touting that claim, it meant that other blending houses
weren't using 100% genuine St. James Perique. And since all perique is from St. James, I had to ask... what's the deal here.
He told me that it was all about the leaf. Perique, as you well know, is aged in barrels and treated accordingly, and this is true whether the perique is 100% genuine or not. What he was getting at is... because C&D owns their own farm, they ensure that only perique leaves enter those barrels. Other blending houses don't abide by that scruple.
And it makes sense. There's only so much perique leaf to go around, so why not toss some virginias and burleys and what-have-you into the mix. They still adopt properties from the perique and it cuts costs along the way, also providing the ability to make more perique blends than would be possible otherwise.
In that regard it's like tequila. Whether we're talking 51% agave or 100% agave, there's only one word to describe the product: tequila. That's why certain brands advertise plainly that it's 100%. Perique is much the same. Whether it's 100% perique or just a bit periquey, the same word applies.
I'm glad I got to hear the tale of your thorough analysis and I have to assume that the dark leaves are the non-perique leaves that got periqued alongside the genuine stuff.
Also, you made me sound entirely too important and connected! I wish it was true that I had a guy sneaking me shit across the Atlantic, but in truth my "source" is a website I discovered here on the pipesmagazine.com forum called Estervals. Because they're in Germany, they're still a viable source because they can ship to the US. Shipping is flat rate by the amount you purchase, so it's good to stock up enough to justify the cost, while not nabbing up so much that Customs comes a' knockin'.
And for those curious about the Dice Brian was a' Tumblin' I've got some photos below...