I am smoking a wonderful tin of JackKnife right now, so my answer today is JackKnife. Ask me again next week, and the answer might be Triple Play. I enjoy the Hell out of both. JackKnife for the interplay between the spicy Kentucky and earthy, barely sweet VAs.... Triple Play for its depth and rich, dried fruit flavors. IMO, JackKnife is a touch stronger in nicotine, but Triple Play is plenty stout.
One advantage for Triple Play is that it's not a layered plug. Because JackKnife is layered with the components unmixed (to preserve some of the individual character of the bright VAs, according to GLP), you really have to cut full, top to bottom slices to get the blend right. Which wouldn't be a problem except so much leaf flakes off from the top and bottom of the plugs. I may be anal, but I often find myself slicing an entire tin after opening it to make sure the proportions are right in each smoke. Of course, there is the Ready Rubbed version which is also very good and similar. Triple Play isn't layered with the components in any specific order as far as I can tell, so no problems there.