So is it suicide to try this if you've got a low nic tolerance, or what? I'd really like to try this. After reading several reveiws, it sounds like it has a flavor profile I would really enjoy. I'm just a nicotine newbie, and bad nic experiences are very off-putting to say the least :lol:
I don't know how to exactly describe this one, but it tastes like you're smoking good earth. I don't know how to put that in any other manner. Its really good though!
I just got around to smoking the sample I received at the Columbus pipe show. Good stuff but it dang near gave me the niccups before I slowed my pace a bit. I get the impression that this was what baccy was like in the days of old. Just a pure, strong, natural tobacco.
I love the stuff, but it is definitely not for those who don't do well with nicotine. I don't have the strongest nic tolerance out there so I do find this stuff to be a bit over whelming at times. Just smoke slow and in a small pipe. It is terribly satisfying. rich virginia, smokey spicey Kentucky and just a meaty, smokey spicey smoking experience. I liken this and all high nic blends to being able to drive but still being smart enough to show respect to that 496 Chevelle when you get behind the wheel. I don't care how much you like to drive, you have to be mindful of an engine like that in a car that you are going to drive or you are going to end up as road pizza.
Tasted good but way too high nicotine for me. I have never smoked a cigarette before and I guess I have a low nicotine tolerance. The one time I had it I physically got sick. Needless to say that was enough for me. :D
I had the JKP first time a couple of days back - pure tobby goodness with some punch, which i love - i lov night train too, though it has less depth of flavour to me, but the obvious sweetness of flavour makes up for it.
I recommend a cube cut for this blend. Nic is not overpowering, to my taste, but slow smoking lessens the effect as well as heightens the muted sweetness.
i need to try it. i have a decent nic tolerance as i used to chew about a can a day. stil snag a pinch every now and then lol but i try to stay away from it when i can