With the current uproar about STG buying of MacBaren/Sutliff and the demise of the Sutliff plant, it concerns me as to the future of two of the oldest tobacconists in the country; Iwan Ries and Milan Tobacconists of Roanoke, Va.. I'm not as concerned about Milan, who I buy most of my tobacco, because they blend a lot of their own blends and get their tobacco from various sources such as C & D, but Iwan Ries 3 Star blends are manufactured by Sutliff. I wonder how this will effect them. I have enough tobacco to last me the rest of my life, but I would hate to see these two fine institutions fall to the wayside like Sutliff. They are always friendly, helpful and efficient in their work and a major part of the tobacco history of this country. Some of the more knowledgeable forum members may have some insight on these two sites.
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