i've lost taste ? it's not the same anymore?

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Oct 8, 2015
Hello, i've been smoking a pipe for a while now. i smoke a lot of pipe, maybe to much, around 20 bowls a day.

in the beginning, smoking a pipe was the best thing i knew, it tasted so wonderful !

but now, on later days it's not the same anymore, i feel like more and more tobaccos tastes the same, the taste is just okey now.
have i smoked to much pipe or have i over smoked my favourite pipe, which i smoke 20 bowls a day with ?



Feb 13, 2015
1. Your poor pipe needs an extended vacation in a cool, dry place.
2. 20 bowls a day of any tobacco would render my taste buds and sense of smell completely non-functional.
Thank you for your generous support of the pipe tobacco industry, and welcome aboard!
EDIT: Keep an eye on your capitalization. It drives some members here insane.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
You're a lucky man. Now, you'll save money on being able to buy the cheapest tobaccos without any worry about taste, and you can eat garbage and drink the cheapest beers, generic foods... think of all of that money you'll save.
Yeh, toss that pipe. I don't think you'd even be able to give it away on ebay now.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
I would suggest resting the pipe. 20 bowls a day is what it is. Try less smoking and more pipes. Or, more pipes and less smoking. I really admire your smoking habits. One pipe is certainly cheaper than two or three. Twenty bowls a day is certainly a level most of us only dream of.
In my opinion you are not really trying. There's twenty four hours in a day, surely you can get in one or two more bowl fulls. Unless you are smoking a really big pipe. You should e-mail "Guinness Book of Records". You've got to be close to "most bowls a day."



Feb 21, 2013
sak, I think you are overdoing it. Moderation is good. Some folks smoke a great deal; see jiminks entries in "What are you smoking" thread. But he has long experience and an extremely cultivated appreciation of blends; see his reviews on threads from time to time. I think for someone new to pipe smoking, three or four bowls a day are sufficient. Also, you must rotate pipes, as noted in another post here. Clean the pipe after every bowl. Enjoy a beverage with most bowls. And slow down your whole experience, cadence of smoking and maybe overly ambitious approach. Easy, easy. This is a meditative and gradual process. Take some time off and come back in a more relaxed frame of mind, would be my advice.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
Forget moderation!!! Go for it, more more more... go go go. Charles Bukowski once said, "Find what you love, and let it kill you." You can get a few more in there, like Warren suggests. Why stop for food? sleep? Just keep going. Heck, forget the pipe, just fill your mouth up with tobacco and light it up.

I'm rooting for you, bro. You can do this. Go go go...



Oct 8, 2015
So many replies in such a short amount of time :) thanks.

I haven't lost my taste, it's more like everything tastes the same, almost, it's not the same it was. ( I can still taste food and drinks excellent)

Yeah maybe i should put my pipe to rest, i do clean it after every smoke tho.

It's just so hard to find a good pipe you like, i have 25 pipes but nothing compares to this one, but maybe i should give one a try and smoke it in :)



Jun 30, 2015
Hang some meat in your smoking room.....at 20 bowls a day that meat will be smoke cured in no time. Then you can just reach up and pull down some bacon to enjoy while you sip your pipe.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
Buy you a cheap cob and smoke other stuff for a while. Completely clean your pipe...i mean CLEAN IT...then when you think you have it clean..clean it again. Put your left over tobaccos you no longer like in jars and let them sit. I lost all taste for my favorite tobacco because of smoking too much from one pipe. Not allowing it to rest will make it taste bad and I think get in your head for the next smokes. So, I let the pipe rest after thorough cleaning, put my tobacco up. Smoked other stuff from cobs for a while then a month later my old favorite tastes a little better. It could just be a taste bud thing too....they change often as we get older. Good luck!



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
That or it needs to be reamed and there is a pencil sized hole like a rough estate pipe. What was smoked out of it anyways?



Oct 8, 2015
now a days i smoke a lot of different blends, my favourite one, at the moment is Caravelle, good Rum flavour.
i've actually had to remove my ''cake'' 3 times this year because the bowl was about as big as a pencil.
i smoke a Savinelli 626



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 4, 2014
Nice wan der chief ye bleedin mad yoke. Twenty bowls yeah? Cmear wud ya gwan outta dat an gerr outta de bleedin garden an all yeah.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2014
Michigan, USA
Put the pipe down and just place some of that tobacco between your lip and gums. Swirl it around a bit and spit, chew on it if you like, spit the juices out. Do this around old women preferably. Do this until the tobacco is spent.. Once you have had your fill, takes what is left and sprinkle the used tobacco over dead grass hopper. It helps your archery skill incredibly. Practice shooting live grasshoppers hopping about.
Fast for two days and pack your pipe!

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