Hello, i've been smoking a pipe for a while now. i smoke a lot of pipe, maybe to much, around 20 bowls a day.
in the beginning, smoking a pipe was the best thing i knew, it tasted so wonderful !
but now, on later days it's not the same anymore, i feel like more and more tobaccos tastes the same, the taste is just okey now.
have i smoked to much pipe or have i over smoked my favourite pipe, which i smoke 20 bowls a day with ?
in the beginning, smoking a pipe was the best thing i knew, it tasted so wonderful !
but now, on later days it's not the same anymore, i feel like more and more tobaccos tastes the same, the taste is just okey now.
have i smoked to much pipe or have i over smoked my favourite pipe, which i smoke 20 bowls a day with ?