I have no self-control. If I have a PAD/TAD fund that is supposed to last three months, you can bet it will last about one and I'll be spending those other two months trying to figure out ways to raise more funds. Usually by a month later I have put together some more funds and can buy more. Well, I am in the process of restoring and listing some of the pipes to replenish and, wouldn't you know it, a fantastic pipe comes up for a bargain price. I mentioned it to the wifey who has much more self-control, and consequently more money left, and she bought it. It'll probably be squirreled away for a birthday or other gift long enough in the future I will have forgotten about it but that is not a problem . I do believe I will be doing some extra chores and romantic thingies for her in the weeks to come. I have a truly thoughtful wifey and she deserves whatever I can do to show her I appreciate her. Plus I get to brag on her a bit too.