I am fortunate. I never smoked Ciggs! I started with the pipe at age 12. It was Middleton's Cherry Blend and a Cob. I hated the smell of ciggs. My Dad smoked Ciggs. But, he had several friends that smoked a pipe and that really tripped my trigger. The rest is history.
As such, I never learned to inhale. That is the key. With a pipe, nicotine is absorbed by the mouth tissues and not lung tissue. At age 62, I excersize every day and am an avid downHill skier. I had 23 days on the slopes this season! One must be in shape to do that sport. It was skiing that made me realize I must maintain a good physical condition. I have skied since a youngster. I share the mountain with guys that are in their 80's! That is what I want to do. Besides, I am a pilot and must also pass a serious Physical Exam on a regular basis.
Transition from ciggs to (pipe-only) is very difficult. I have attempted to help others to no real avail. I give you my greatest congratulations and If you are that determined, YOU WILL SUCCEED. If you ever experience a relapse of the nasty sticks, please feel free to seek encouragement from me not to relapse. You are on the right track and the best of luck to you, my friend.