Hi Felix,
Hope you're having a good smoke. I did a double take scrolling through this thread when I hit the 3rd page. Went back to pg. 1. Then rechecked with my bifocals pg. 3--because like you -- I'm 63 and hopefully different than you--I overlook stuff LOL (and like you, started smoking in the fall of 1976 at 18--and quit 10 years later when our child was born--a hiatus for 30 years).
Goodness, Felix--we've been welcoming you for 5 months now exactly. Did I read this correctly? Hell, nobody welcomed me for 5 months and I'd go sit in my corner and cry while fussing at you guys and gals EXCEPT Hoosier would kick me in the ass verbally! LOL
. Well, he might anyway LOL LOL (hope the month's restful for you M-@hoosierpipeguy)