Before you tell me that it's not really cold here in Carolina compared to where you are let me say that I believe in something called relative cold.That is.How cold it is where you are relative to what you're used to.I lived in Michigan for a lot of years.I lived through many cold winters up there.I didn't like them,but I was used to them.Here in the south we usually only get a couple of real cold days at a time then it warms up some.Our normal high for this time of year is about 50 degrees.Now though for several nights in a row the chill factor has been close to zero.We still have a few more days before it has a chance to warm up some.Just to make things more frustrating.My wife hates the smell of Penzance so I don't smoke it in the house and I sure can't sit on the porch in this artic air..I hope you are staying warm,and you have enough coffee and tobaco.