Quincy, when you say that most pipe smokers have depth, reflection and substance, that really brings out an idea I've been tossing around my head for awhile now. From what I've seen from my limited experiences, people don't so much choose to smoke a pipe, rather they are drawn to it. You do not choose the pipe. The pipe chooses you. Anybody else here agree with me? It just seems that it takes somebody special to enjoy this hobby. There's all kinds of folks here, young and old and from all walks of life, yet we're also very similar. I'm young, but I smoke a pipe, shave with a safety razor, drink mead, and when I'm not hunting or fishing, chances are I've got my nose buried in a book. I love philosophy and theology. I've debated politics and religion with men older and more learned than me. Thing is, I've never really felt like I belonged with any group. I was not social in school and I never fit in with any clique. However, when I light up a pipe, I feel connected and a sense of brotherhood. On more than a few smokes, I have sat and just been amazed that thousands of men and women, from all over the world, do this every day and have been doing so for centuries. I don't know. I'm good with words, but even I am at a loss. The pipe just completes me. It annoys me when people think that I am only smoking or don't understand why I am so into pipes, but I can never articulate it. I reckon it is just an exclusive pleasure of those worthy enough of the pipe.