It's In The Paper

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Dec 24, 2010
North Carolina
When I was a little fella (before TV and Internet)and you questioned something that someone told you the reply would often be It was in the paper as if that automaticlly made it true.These days we have mass media telling people that pipe smokers are some kind of evil folks out to do harm to them.A great many folks still have that attitude that if they read it or here it in the media it must be true..Let it be known here that todays media isn't necessarily intent on truth.It is intent on making money.What it says and how it says it in most cases is slanted to that end.Many recent articles that i've read some of them here have strengthened my belief that if not for the media most people would still respect the image that pipe smokers of the past had.I also believe that if they were truthful they would admit that they like the smell of pipe tobacco.With the probable exception of Latakia..It's in the paper but is it true? Not Always



Oct 2, 2010
I find the left-ward media slant to be most disappointing. I will categorically believe virtually nothing of what I read or see until I've further researched it.... :crying:



Can't Leave
Apr 4, 2011
Alberta, Canada
All mainstream media in North America is owned by a handful of companies. We have 2 or 3 in Canada and there is 2 or 3 in the states with each leaning a different way politically. All mainstream media outlets are driven by financial and political motives so all information you gain in one newspaper must be tried against the oppositions newspaper and the same goes for radio and television. If you want to know the truth about tobacco and health you must read the studies and try those against other studies. All I say when met with someone running their mouth about tobacco is "have you read the studies?".



Jul 13, 2010
That is a brilliant idea, assaad! I've started to contemplate doing that to come up with my own conclusions about everything I read. Except for the gossip papers. Their word is sacrosanct. Some of the best investigative journalism on the planet. :rofl:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 19, 2010
I am under the gun because my wife was trained as a Med Tech - and they are totally brainwashed re lumping all smokers into one category. I have explained that pipe smoking is different. My step-daughter is part of the brainwashed new generation too. Makes me sad. Smoking a pipe is so different from cigarette smoking. Hence my banishment to back yard. Oh well...I kind of like it out there - it's nice and peaceful.



Might Stick Around
May 26, 2011
Always remember the buiseness of a newspaper is to sell newspapers (and advertising). That's true of all forms of media.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 21, 2010
I'm in the same boat as clano. My wife remains convinced that the my pipe will be the death of me despite all evidence to the contrary. "I've already made my mind up. Stop confusing me with facts". Keep smokin', friend.

Jun 9, 2011
I have it easy. My wife actually likes the aroma of my tobacco. We have a newborn, so I opt out of smoking in the house for now. Luckily, My office is above my shop outside so I have a relaxing place to smoke and listen to my Hi-Fi.



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
These days we have mass media telling people that pipe smokers are some kind of evil folks out to do harm to them.

??????????I'm a news junkie who read a couple of papers a day and I've never read anything about pipe smokers other than a few articles I seen linked on pipe boards and they have always been fairly to very complimentary..
I also believe that if they were truthful they would admit that they like the smell of pipe tobacco.With the probable exception of Latakia.

Yeah a passing whif but why is it that over 50% (guess) of board posters are relegated outside to the heat and cold to smoke their pipes?
It's in the paper but is it true? Not Always

No but they beat a blog or radio and cable commentary by a couple of miles. Same goes for peer reviewed work over a opinion piece. Talk is cheap. 8O



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 29, 2010
My wife and I are intelligent enough to know that the news should be watched with much suspicion, especially the "tabloid" type local news. In my line of work, (public safety), I pretty much know what's really going on in town and very familiar the chamber of commerce's, (newspaper's,)agenda.
We haven't taken the local paper in almost 20 years. Google something like; "worst paper in the United States"

and you'll be able to figure out where I live. :D

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