When I was a little fella (before TV and Internet)and you questioned something that someone told you the reply would often be It was in the paper as if that automaticlly made it true.These days we have mass media telling people that pipe smokers are some kind of evil folks out to do harm to them.A great many folks still have that attitude that if they read it or here it in the media it must be true..Let it be known here that todays media isn't necessarily intent on truth.It is intent on making money.What it says and how it says it in most cases is slanted to that end.Many recent articles that i've read some of them here have strengthened my belief that if not for the media most people would still respect the image that pipe smokers of the past had.I also believe that if they were truthful they would admit that they like the smell of pipe tobacco.With the probable exception of Latakia..It's in the paper but is it true? Not Always