“In 2003, the coprolite broke into three pieces after being dropped while being exhibited to a party of visitors, and efforts were undertaken to reconstruct it.”
Reminds me of the time that I was hired to photograph an exhibit of ancient Greek pottery at a prestigious university. The display was in a rather small room. As I backed up, trying to get an entire display case in the picture, I felt myself bump into something. I knew exactly what it was. I heard the unmistakable sound of a 2500 year old Grecian urn rocking back and forth on it’s display pedestal. Thump…thump….thump…I froze. Gradually, the thumps came closer and closer until they settled into a quiet, rapid rumble…then stopped. I resumed breathing. I had come within a hair’s width of hearing a priceless, irreplaceable artifact crash to the floor.
I pity the fool that dropped a dookie that day.