Is this tongue bite?

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Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
So my tongue never hurts or burns while I'm smoking. But after i finish a bowl or during, if i take a drink of something, my tongue starts to burn in a rather unpleasant way. It fades after a few seconds but it only occurs when i take a drink of something, even if its just water 5 mins after i have finished smoking. Happens with every kind of blend, always smoke in a cob.
Any thoughts?



Starting to Get Obsessed
Aug 23, 2015
Pretty normal if you're drinking/smoking something which can interfere the pH balance of your mouth and to then drink/smoke the opposite. Sweeter baccy like Virginias have more pH and less sweet like Latakia have less pH. Water is neutral pH, so perfect to drink while smoking a pipe on an unseasoned tongue as it resets your mouth to a degree.
I find a sip of beer with English blends can lead to that burn throughout my mouth, like chugging acid lol. Smoking slower and cooler helps, as does spitting!
And I have mouth issues atm.. all my smoke tastes sour and wrong. Maybe I've pounded my tongue too hard lately.. I'd hate to have to abstain for a few days..



Oct 29, 2015
This is bite, I'm still new to smoking also (about 8 months since I picked up again) just do as suggested above and pull slower/with less force when smoking. I noticed that after getting my smoking technique down and having smoked for a few weeks to a month or so that I no longer had a bite every time I smoked. Of course you will still get tongue bite here and there, but once you get a system down and your tongue has had time to adjust to pipe smoking you will have no problems with the lasting effect.

Bite for me is a pain I get while smoking, but I do get that sort of pain when I wait till I am finished to drink something. I'm not sure it is bite and not just burn that you don't notice till you drink. But, I try to always keep a beverage at my side while smoking, because smoking does dry out my mouth. And, rinsing helps keep my tastebuds from getting over-taxed while smoking.



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
If you really want to see if it's tongue bite....take a drink of soda after. You'll know :) This is a long discussed topic all over the forums by the way.



Might Stick Around
Sep 15, 2015
yes i have to admit i do like my soda, and my tongue feels like its going to explode when i drink some after i smoke. Thanks for the info everyone



Jun 3, 2015
Yea it's bite. This happens when The Decepticon comes out and I transform into a chimney. Ice water and and ice is the best for tongue bite. Also drink some hot green or English Breakfast tea.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 12, 2012
Newbie here, so stock on grains of salt appropriately.

I've read somewhere that tongue burn is pretty much instant as its heat related.

Tongue bite on the other hand is a chemical process and can happen after smoking, even hours later.

Given that you're not feeling it during the smoke, i'd be inclined to think its bite rather than burn.

As for remedies... The usual: Slow down, find less alkaline tobaccos, etc etc...



Part of the Furniture Now
Sep 13, 2015
If the bitey tobacco is worth it...just put on some John Cougar Mellencamp and sing while you smoke

"...Just me and you

Come on and make it

Hurt so good

Come on baby make it hurt so good

Sometimes love don't feel like it should

You make it, hurt so good

You don't have to be so exciting

Just trying to give myself a little bit of fun, yeah

You always look so inviting ..."


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