I used to write sellers and give them info if they were lacking with a poorly informed listing, like a guy who had a very old unsmoked Barling's Make and had no idea what he actually had --- I thought the good karma would come my way, and indeed it has a few times, but I don't do that anymore, a seller who is too lazy to do simple research deserves what they get, just about anything regarding old pipes is easily online now, much to the detriment of enthusiasts because that means really good deals are more scarce, but the info is also helpful to enthusiasts 'cause that's what it's all about--- I guess it's a double edged sword.
I'll never forget the guy who popped up on SmokersForum who had found an old unopened cutter-top of Marcovitch in an attic somewhere or something, looking online he likely got the info that a Marcovitch tin like his was worth something, he was astute enough to note that none of the other tins he had seen online were striped like his, which made it an earlier example, but he totally mangled the thing, he opened it with a dull butterknife or something, I mean it was sad looking! I told him that the best thing about opening a cutter-top is using the actual knife-lid to open it with LOL I guess that's why some cutter-tops included instructions for use LOL duh? The really hilarious thing is that he still thought his tin was worth a million dollars or something, somebody probably did end up buying it from him, but I doubt for very much, I think he also wrote to both Fred Hanna and Neil A. Roan about it all --- that's the thing when esoteric info is at fingertip, some people misinterpret things and think they've hit the jackpot, like all those ever-hopeful hucksters with rusted empty Sobranie tins asking a ridiculous $100 or something LOL
Like this poorly listed item, it may get noticed or it may not, at least it's got a 9 day span, and I'm sure folks will take notice, but his traffic would be alot better if the listing title was improved...
...somebody might get lucky on some nice Dunhills,
free shipping in country, so UK brothers might wanna keep an eye and see how it goes,
maybe I'm spoiling it for someone by talking about it? I hope not.