Is Pre-Carbonizing Corncobs Advisable?

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Feb 8, 2024
Title edited for brevity. Original: "Returning to Pipes Question: Pre-Carbonizing Corncob Pipes with honey and active charcoal to build up Carbon Cake at the bottom. Yea or Nay?"

Hello everyone, I've been an on and off Pipe Smoker from 18-33 with plenty of success and failures when smoking.
I just now reinvested into two pipes, one handmade briar and one classic corncob from MMC. I've used the cheap $4 corncob pipes before and I made the classic mistake of leaving it outside in Florida's humidity. But now I'm buying something a bit fancier and I want to do right by my purchase and do what I can to extend the life of the pipe (yes I know I can always buy another).

I was looking into pipe mud which I absolutely agree is just a simple one and done or if I had more free time, I'd cut the inside shank bit and level the whole bottom, but I also lead a busy life working full time.

What caught my eye in particular was an interesting method of just applying a thin coat of honey and coating with active charcoal to help build carbon cake at the bottom.

What I want to know is that can the pre-carbonized honey method be effective for protecting the bowl and the bottom enough to skip the normal pipe mud method and just pre-coat, dry and smoke and will the honey harm my pipe if I let it dry?
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Feb 16, 2020
Cascadia, U.S.
Yeah, you could fill in the gaps around the stem with pipe mud or plaster of paris if you want, but they are effortlessly filled in with bits of semi-petrified tobacco over time as you smoke it. Personally, I don't bother.
If you're concerned with longevity and durability, buy the polished pipes with hardwood plugs like the Diplomat or Country Gentleman or a hardwood pipe. Maybe consider an acrylic forever stem.


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Jun 28, 2022
Lower Alabama
The proper way to carbonize a cob:

In all seriousness, if you smoke with normal/"proper" smoking technique, it should carbonize on it's own rather quick.

I smoked my cob two or three times and it was carbonized, though it didn't have cake really (I don't consider carbonized walls to be the same thing as cake). I can't really speak much more on that as I quit smoking cobs after that (I don't like them).

As to building cake, don't worry about it, it's honestly not as necessary as people make it out to be. Briar may be different, but I don't think it would, but I smoked all of mine from new with no coating, and I used to have no cake in them at all (anal about cleaning). Now they have thin cake, but that's because I am lazy and quit cleaning them beyond just a quick wipe-out with a paper towel after smoking. To me, briar doesn't seem any different with or without cake once broken in. I'd imagine cobs the same way.