Is Pipe Smoking On The Rise?

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Starting to Get Obsessed
Jun 7, 2014
Thanks for the Welcome Andy Stewart, I am very excited to say that on monday I get my New Nording, and in about 2 weeks I get a 34-48 Peterson 317 my fiance won me on ebay for $59 dollars. I am so very pleased and cannot wait to smoke it! Tomorrow I have bids coming up on a vintage dunhill and a vintage meerschaum!!!! I am so antsy right now.




Jun 23, 2014
Since I've started pipe smoking I've gotten 4 others started as well. Two friends, my father in law, and my father. I've met two other gentlemen that smoke pipes at the Olive Garden down here, and people tend to take interest when I smoke in public (can't just be my good looks :puffy: ). It's definitely on the rise in Southeast Ga, but with this new legislature coming in it's going to be harder to get newer pipe tobacco we've all fallen in love with. Its depressing, and in some ways enraging, to see something my friends have only begun to enjoy be repressed so quickly.



Can't Leave
Feb 20, 2013
I believe it is up here in Canada. At least in my neck of the woods.
No thanks to've got 4 people started myself so far as well....

Mar 30, 2014
On the rise? I hope not. I don't see anyone around my city smoking a pipe. I like it that way. When you start seeing young trendies smoking a pipe at gun regulation rallies, it just wouldn't be the same anymore.



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 5, 2014
carlweis wrote: "I've found with all the meds veterans affairs gives me pipe smoking works 100x better."
That is the same conclusion I have come to, brother. Just today, my partner said something like, "Dude, are you ok? You haven't gotten pissed at the boss in awhile, and you've been a lot....different. Are you on some new meds or something?" :lol:
I pondered that for a few, and the only logical answer I could come up with was, it has to be my evening pipe routine. That is the ONLY thing that has changed in the past six months or so. The healing, stress relief, whatever you want to call it, that comes with my solitary pipe time at sundown has been very noticeable by me and by my family & friends.

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