@pylorns - YouTube has many different communities, whether you're into knives, guns, prepping, survival, video games, trains, or pretty much anything else there is a community of people that make videos relating to different subjects. The same goes for the pipe community. There is a large volume of pipe smokers that make videos and we call ourselves Pipe Presenters. There is also a cigar community and there's a lot like me that enjoy both hobbies. As a group we do pipe tobacco reviews, cigar reviews, show off and talk about different pipes, do how to videos etc. and many of us make random video's as well but they usually revolve around pipe or cigars. You can subscribe to different people so anytime they post a new video it will show up in your feed so you don't have to hunt for video's from people you enjoy watching. I'm subscribed to over 350 pipe presenters. Some people post video's daily, some a couple a month and some are random and sparse. There are so many new people that join the community weekly that I can't keep up with all of them and then of course there are some I just don't subscribe to. About 90% of the community are genuine guys/gals and are super friendly. I've made friends with many of them and have hung out with many of them on several occasions. There is a group of us that actually Skype on a regular basis, (nightly, weekly). I was hesitant about making video's and posting them online, but after watching some videos for a while and seeing how great the pipe community is I decided to join the group and make video's. I've met some great people and many I can actually call my friend.