When I lived in the vicinity of L.A. in the late 60's and earliest 70's, mostly in Long Beach with excursions to the city, I actually found it interesting. Not a great walking city, nor does it have good public transportation, but compared to a bunk on a minesweeper, it was a nice change of scene. Years later on a business trip, in my off hours, i attended a festival in the downtown by arts groups -- visual arts, a kind of science fiction fashion show, and music. It was weird but worth seeing, though getting to and from the event was a little dicey, always pretending I was with a group, walking with a crowd.
You hit long stretches of chain link fence topped with barbed wire and windowless brick buildings. I like deciduous trees and seasons a little too well to have considered living there. During World War Ii, my folks had an apartment in San Pedro, before my dad shipped out to the Philippines. Decades before that, two great aunts, sisters, lived for a while in Laguna Beach. I visited both places just for the family history. Nice colonies of seals off Laguna.