In the beginning it is difficult to know what you like about a certain pipe. Since you have no experience how do you know if you like a vulcanite stem with a pronounced button, or an acrylic one with a smaller button. How will you know if you are going to be a clencher or a holder? Are you going to like English blends that smoke better in larger bowls or a flake lover and smaller bowls. Will you understand how the shape and size of a pipe will offer a better smoking experience depending on the tobacco you like? Of course you cannot answer these questions and neither I am afraid can we. Pipe smoking is a journey that everyone goes through. I started out with big pipes for mostly English blends and I was a holder at that time, now I smoke only flake tobaccos and clench all the time. I have gone through a myriad of pipes and tobaccos to get where I am and I needed to experience the journey to understand what I like best.
My recommendation is to buy a pipe for English blends, one for aromatics and one for flakes. You can buy decent pipes for 25-75 bucks on the estate market or new ones if that is your preference. Until you understand what your likes and dislikes are, spending 200.00 on a pipe is not the smartest move. Once you have found your niche and understand what you like about a given pipe, then you can move up into more expensive pipes that will give you a better smoking experience. I have found what I love in my pipes and tobacco combinations and buy accordingly, it only took 10 years or so, but the journey was fun. I have learned a ton from this site and I honestly believe that if this site had been around when I started, I could have found my favorites much sooner, so you are lucky in that respect. Try and sample as much tobacco as you can early on to find out what you like best, then you can match up pipes to those blends.