An odd update to the story! What at first seemed to be so obviously an allergic reaction to Latakia or some type of wood smoke that the Latakia was cured with may have not been that at all. A couple days ago I got a new tobacco order in the mail, including a good variety of VaPers to try (Escudo, Peterson Elizabethan Mixture, Peter Stokkebye Luxary Navy Flake, and Orlik Golden Sliced), and having found the tin aroma of Elizabethan Mixture to be the most to my liking I decided to give it a try tonight.
The flavor, and the nic hit for that matter, was pretty great but I ended up having to stop smoking about 1/3 of the way through the bowl because after 25 minutes or so I found myself having the same throat issues that I had when smoking Presbyterian Mixture or Kramer's Father Dempsey. My throat felt fine and totally normal before I started smoking the Elizabethan Mixture, but after smoking for just under half an hour my throat got really sore and the lymph nodes under my jaw on both sides swelled up and became quite tender to the touch.
The truly bizarre part is that as far as I can tell the only common ingredient between all the non-aromatic pipe tobaccos that have irritated my throat so badly is Virginia tobacco, but I smoke a dozen and a half hand rolled cigarettes of pure Virginia or Virginia mixed with a little Burley and Dark Fired Kentucky every day and they've never bothered my throat. I guess it's possible that Presbyterian Mixture, Father Dempsey, and Elizabethan Mixture could have all had the same type of casing that isn't agreeing with me but I've never had any issues with casings before.
I've never had a single aromatic pipe tobacco bother my throat, and I've smoked probably two dozen different ones. I've had a wide variety of aromatic blends from Sutliff, Peter Stokkebye, Erik Stokkebye, Middleton, Lane, Cult, and probably a few other companies I can't quite remember and never gotten any throat irritation or lymph node swelling from any of them; and yet all 3 of the non-aromatics I've smoked so far (aside from Haunted Bookshop and Old Joe Krantz, both of which I disliked the taste of so much that I stopped smoking and dumped the bowl out after 5 or 10 minutes) have just really irritated the heck out of my throat even though I don't inhale any pipe tobacco at all. Maybe there's something about the sweet casings on aromatics that make them less abrasive and more comfortable on the soft tissues at the back of my mouth? Or heck, I don't know, maybe I'm just a pussy!
At this point I'm pretty stumped, but I will return to smoking aromatics for 2 or 3 days until my throat stops hurting then give Orlik Golden Sliced a try. Perhaps the lower Perique content will make it easier on my throat than Elizabethan Mixture.
The flavor, and the nic hit for that matter, was pretty great but I ended up having to stop smoking about 1/3 of the way through the bowl because after 25 minutes or so I found myself having the same throat issues that I had when smoking Presbyterian Mixture or Kramer's Father Dempsey. My throat felt fine and totally normal before I started smoking the Elizabethan Mixture, but after smoking for just under half an hour my throat got really sore and the lymph nodes under my jaw on both sides swelled up and became quite tender to the touch.
The truly bizarre part is that as far as I can tell the only common ingredient between all the non-aromatic pipe tobaccos that have irritated my throat so badly is Virginia tobacco, but I smoke a dozen and a half hand rolled cigarettes of pure Virginia or Virginia mixed with a little Burley and Dark Fired Kentucky every day and they've never bothered my throat. I guess it's possible that Presbyterian Mixture, Father Dempsey, and Elizabethan Mixture could have all had the same type of casing that isn't agreeing with me but I've never had any issues with casings before.
I've never had a single aromatic pipe tobacco bother my throat, and I've smoked probably two dozen different ones. I've had a wide variety of aromatic blends from Sutliff, Peter Stokkebye, Erik Stokkebye, Middleton, Lane, Cult, and probably a few other companies I can't quite remember and never gotten any throat irritation or lymph node swelling from any of them; and yet all 3 of the non-aromatics I've smoked so far (aside from Haunted Bookshop and Old Joe Krantz, both of which I disliked the taste of so much that I stopped smoking and dumped the bowl out after 5 or 10 minutes) have just really irritated the heck out of my throat even though I don't inhale any pipe tobacco at all. Maybe there's something about the sweet casings on aromatics that make them less abrasive and more comfortable on the soft tissues at the back of my mouth? Or heck, I don't know, maybe I'm just a pussy!

At this point I'm pretty stumped, but I will return to smoking aromatics for 2 or 3 days until my throat stops hurting then give Orlik Golden Sliced a try. Perhaps the lower Perique content will make it easier on my throat than Elizabethan Mixture.
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