I would like to take this opportunity to wish him luck and get well soon.
I don't know him personally but with him and rothnh gone, it is like my favorite t.v. show has been cancelled.
Just got an email from Harris.
He is having some difficult medical issues and is in and out of the hospital. He is in discomfort and I know that we all feel for him and hope for a speedy recovery.
He wishes everyone well and appreciates all of the good thoughts; he hopes to get back on the forum soon.
Harris is one tough mother.
Did you hear, a couple years ago Harris was bitten by a rattlesnake. One of those big Florida Eastern Diamondbacks. Well it was touch and go for a while, but after almost a week, the snake finally died.
Seriously though. Get well soon Harris. Peck is getting ornery without having you around to trade barbs with.
-- Pat
With the problems Harris is confronting and now the news about Rad, these are trying times indeed for The Brotherhood. Collectively, let's channel some very positive thoughts that everything will turn out fine for these wonderful gentlemen.
Spoke to Harris again last night- still struggling through some issues...With a bit of luck, he'll make a housewarming party we're hosting on the 8th...
I just got off the phone with Harris a while ago. He sends best wishes to all. He wasn't his normal self but I could tell he is fighting this. He will be back as soon as he can. I told him Peck was getting bored and we all miss him.
I have so much f'ing(he didn't say effing)tobacco to smoke, I'll be back
Has anyone received an update on how Harris is doing? I sent him an email earlier this week but have not received a response.
The last update to this thread was 1 week ago. I hope he is feeling better and is on the road to recovery
I spoke to Harris a couple of days ago. He's not really up to being online, but will hopefully see some improvement in the next couple of weeks...We're going to try and drop by next week if he's up to it...