This thread has certainly taken an interesting turn.
Especially so for me, given that my own kid is a freakbrain. He's an experimental physicist at Princeton, who got his PhD from Harvard, and is presently one of the entrants (so to speak) in the global race to develop a quantum repeater. At the moment he seems to be in the lead, in fact.
Fabricating mechanisms/objects that are small enough to manipulate individual photons in highly specific ways is a fantastically complex business. I'm well read, insatiably curious, have 60+ years of life experience, and had a high level career in a technical field, and no matter how hard I tried, was unable to follow more than 5% or so of a project overview presentation that he recently gave to a group of post docs at the University of Chicago.
Believe me, guys like him are from another planet.
He taught himself to read while still a few months short of his third birthday, was doing college level math while in grade school, etc, etc. I can absolutely guarantee that some kids are simply "born that way".
Every bit of it is in line with his intelligence test scores, btw. While not PREDICTIVE---achievement still takes work---raw mental horsepower is very real. Everyone who had significant contact with him after pre-school age came away trying to blink after-images from their eyes. Even my dad, a multi-PhD lifelong emeritus professor who was an absolute intellectual badass, had his worldview adjusted.
So, as un-PC as it might be these days to acknowledge innate biology when discussing a person's capacity, I can assure you that attempting to downplay it is just willful self-delusion.