I like how you called it "Hertzogvenia Rustica".@rakovsky, if you want to rawdog some Hertzogvenia Rustica, we'll give you 30 thumbs up on the WAYS thread. If you want a soft, fluffy cloud to smoke, I love BCA or other black cavendish. I don't inhale it, so I can't tell you what that experience is like.
"Herzogvena Flor" filterless cigarettes just used VA-Oriental Leaf.
White Sea Canals / "Belomorkanal" in the blue pack I posted earlier use N. Rustica and have a lot of nicotine.
Thanks for mentioning the softness of BCA. I had a B&M's house blend called "Toasted Cavendish" that was a toasted black cavendish that I thought smelled amazing. It reminded me of CRB Moon except that CRB Moon uses a cherry flavor. Toasted Cavendish and BCA are definitely aromatic cavendishes and probably have enough topping that their smoke wouldn't be light for inhalation as cigarettes. Aromatics with a lot of topping seems to be more of a pipe genre. I can't think of many cigarettes like that.
In trying to distinguish cigarette tobacco from pipe tobacco, two features come to mind: the size of the cut of the leafI also don't quite follow you on the "thicker" comment. Are you talking about the cut? I think if I rolled a cigarette out of my pipe tobacco stash, I'd roll up some GLP Penny Farthing, just to try it.

So for instance American Spirit RYO and Prince Albert double as cigarette tobacco and pipe tobacco, and have been sold as both. American Spirit RYO uses shag cut, and its smoke

Are Capstan, Standard Mixture, and OGS only sold as pipe tobacco, or can they also work as in a RYO cogarette? The first challenge is that you would want to give them a thinner cut, like slicing them into shag cut. The second challenge is that their smoke could be quite thick/dense, so that inhaling them from cigarettes might be hard.