My cousin, his wife and an elderly neighbor made it through Irma, and my cuz' called me yesterday to fill me in. Both his home and his folks old house where he was a teenager, both built on berms, stayed above the water on their riverfront property, but they were surrounded by water otherwise. They could make it down their drive to the road in a high-riding SUV. My cousin complained about some nasty behavior by people who hoarded gasoline and bragged about it. Big yacht owners out running the storm west to east on the Caloosahatchie River, threw wake high enough to bowl over his little pontoon boat he had hoisted and tethered out of harms way, but a neighbor with equipment helped him rescue his boat. They ran a generator part time to conserve fuel, so had freezer and refrigeration, as well as fans to keep the air moving. So all in all, they were well prepared and safe near Ft. Myers. Prayers answered. Lots of damage all around. His son is in the landscaping business, so he may actually benefit as time goes on, putting gardens and golf courses back together. The son and family did okay, but their subdivision had many split and fall full-growth trees, including a near miss beside his house.