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Aug 3, 2014
Greetings from Kansas City! I have been lurking for a while and decided to join up. I have already gained a lot of knowledge that has helped me through some beginner issues. Many thanks!
I picked up a 3-cob starter pack along with samplers of aromatic and non-aro pouches a few weeks ago. I haven't found much to my liking in the pouches. John Bull has been the only option that has intrigued me enough to smoke multiple bowls. The aromatics have not been my cup of tea at all. Grandpa smoked cherry/vanilla tobacco, but I lean toward medium-full flavored cigars (not strength...vitamin N kicks my butt) and am looking for more taste.
I picked up a tin of Frog Morton's Cellar at the B&M last week. I have been enthusiastically puffing my way through that tin. Good stuff! I placed an order (early onset TAD?) of 10 different 1 oz bulk samples of mostly English blends with a couple aros: Lane 1Q and TK-6 (would like to find a smokable cherry), others like Dunhill EMP, 965, Nightcap and a couple of H&H blends. The amount of options compared to cigars is staggering! My hope is trying a range of tobaccos will help me identify my preferences.
I have been fighting tongue bite and am trying to slow down (breathing and sipping) while experimenting with different moisture levels and packing approaches. There are a couple of things that i could use some help with. First, I have been unable to smoke a bowl completely. By the time I get down to within about 3/16" of the bottom I end up with a pile of ash mixed with remaining tobacco that I cannot light without sucking mouthfuls of ash. Not fun.
Another issue is the pipe suddenly extinguishing. In the space of a draw or two I will have great, relatively warm smoke, then nothing. I have noticed what I would call "tunnelling" if it were a cigar. The coal and ash trail is centered in the bowl leaving a ring of unburnt tobacco along the sides. Here is a photo:

Thanks in advance for any suggestions and the wealth of knowledge already shared,



Might Stick Around
Jul 17, 2014
I am a novice as well. I have found a similar problem with ash build up. What I have found that works is to dump the ash before tamping when I get to a point that it won't stay lit.



Can't Leave
Jul 11, 2014
There us actually a post about finishing out the bowl and it turns out that I am not the only person that choose to not fight that last little bit. If it starts to becomet to much trouble then I stop. It is a waste of the whole bowl if I finish out with a may taste and a mouth full of Ashes. It will ruin the whole experience. As far as the tobacco burning only the center out I would say you are smoking ti quick the same reason this happens with cigars. Slowing down will stop this and prevent the tounge bite. you should try taking smaller drags. It has been described to me as sipping the pipe. It makes a big diffrence



Jul 27, 2014
Welcome!!!! I am a new member myself and this forum is amazing and the people on here are full of wisdom and are always willing to help a newbie, such as myself. I hope you have a great time here! Enjoy smoking!


J. Mayo

Starting to Get Obsessed
Jul 18, 2012
As far as your taste in blends I would recommend try a VaPer like H&H's Anniversary Cake or Escudo Navey Deluxe (my 2 favorites) or maybe a burley blend like Solani's Aged Burley Flake? I'm guilty of smoking plenty of Aros but if you're looking to sample something different those are a few of my go-to blends.
As far as the bowl issue, I'll give you my approach and you can go from there. I always knock the top ash off of the bowl around 1/2 - 2/3 of the way through, whenever the pipe happens to go out (if it does). I just use my pipe nail to gently knock it loose and dump it out. A little tamp and you'll have a lot better success burning the bottom 1/3 - 1/2 of the bowl without the layer of ash on top. If that fails then just like everyone else has said.....DUMP IT OUT. Who cares if you waste a small bit of tobacco as long as you enjoyed the smoke. Better to start over with a new bowl if you still want more than to fight trying to burn every last bit in the bottom of the bowl.
Either way you'll find out what works for you. I took lots of different methods from guys on the forums and created my own, I'm sure you'll do the same.



Can't Leave
Jun 15, 2014
I would suggest ordering Pipeworks and Wilke Cherry cavendish in a sampler from Carole at I think that's it. It will bring you to the site if you search, she has many fine blends on the site to choose from e-mail her or call and leave a message she will get right back to you, she will recommend a blend. She blends, takes orders packs and ships herself it is well worth the price. :puffy:



Part of the Furniture Now
Jul 9, 2013
Welcome to the forums.
The previous posters have made some excellent comments.



Feb 21, 2013
Hi, Don. It sounds like you are working hard at this whole pipe and tobacco thing. I think taste in

tobacco is a cultivated thing. If you like Frog Morton, you will likely enjoy other mild English blends.

There are many good ones -- in bulk tobacco, Altadis Fox and Hound is a mild English, or if you want

to go a little upscale, Nat Sherman 536 is pretty wonderful. But the Frog Morton series may be just right

and may hold you for quite a while. At some point, you may want to branch out into Virginias, although

that is a new step. I found Orliks Golden Sliced a flake easy to like. Take it gradually and I think you will

enjoy the process. Keep the quantities you order fairly small, even when you decide you like something,

in case your tastes change.



Aug 3, 2014
Thanks for the advice, suggestions and resources. I already had an improved experience drying FMC more, packing tighter and dumping ash before relights. Makes sense not worrying about smoking to the "nub." The cigar philosophy is the cigar is done when you are done enjoying it.
A number of 1oz samples are scheduled to arrive today or tomorrow. Going to have a hard time following @sparks' (good) advice to spend some time with a blend. I found a post by Greg Pease encouraging the same approach.
Thanks again,

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