The problem right now, is that I don't keep a record of addresses. I print the shipping label, and the bare minimum I keep is either the person's name, or if Paypal or 4Square, just their handle they use. I am not allowed to keep any record of credit card information, so I merely print the label that is generated by the CC POS.
I can't collect addresses, unless I ask and I have to have a purpose, and this is why they have those boxes on the expensive websites to ask permission to be put on mailing lists.
I can pay a company thousands to create a big website that has the customers create profiles, but that is way beyond the scope of my business. And, if each state uses different software to record customer data or collect taxes (or if there are even just five or six amongst all of the states) that becomes a record keeping nightmare for a one person business. Now, I have to post each month my sales taxes, even if I don't have any for that month, so monthly I could potentially have to report top six different sets of software.
Then there is the evil that I am doing my customers. They buy a custom wedding band for $2000, and then months later their states tells them that they owe $200, and that reflects on me for having snitched them. I know some companies already do this, but I don't buy from these places. And, I don't want to be in the same arena with those companies that comply.
For what I sale, I don't have state sales taxes, except when I do shows and sale in person, and other states don't have them at all. So, where does the benefit go to live in a place that doesn't, if I am forced to comply with some other nitwit state's inane laws?
Hey, I am all about schools, roads, emergency services. I pay my taxes without complaint. I never bawk when they raise my property taxes. I just don't want to comply with paying some dimwit services in some other dimwit state.
If I get a speeding ticket in Illinois, I was actually there, and they record my licence information. And, some states will hold you till they get paid. Tennessee does this sometimes. But, it doesn't show up on my car tag, it is my driver's licence, and my state doesn't recognize out of state tickets. But, it is reported to my insurance. So, I pay it, especially if I ever want to drive through Illinois again. But, there are no footprints to my business dealings with Illinois via the internet. Even my own state relies solely on my truthfulness and threat of audit. So, a ticket and being forced to do monthly reports or buys software is ridiculous, especially for businesses that are just single person owned and operated, which is the majority of the internet. I don't have teams of people filling orders for me. But, ye when these powers that be discuss it, I am sure that Amazon, John Deere, and are what are on their minds. Companies that can afford expensive login services and data collections.
Whereas the online potter, or pipemaker, or vintage appliance sellers or doodad makers, will be the majority of gets hit the hardest.