Hi everybody so after doing some research and being a cigarette smoker for 8 years I decided to pick up the pipe! It caught my attention when I was walking through the park and I smelt someone smoking their pipe. It smelt delicious and even my feance who does not smoke and complains how my cigarettes smell when I smoke then said it smelt good. So we got to talking and I decided to do a little research on it. It seems like a way better way to go on the money aspect of things which is a big plus. But what got me the most was the experimenting with different blends and pipes. So I placed an order online at pipesandcigars.com. After doing research I was trying to decide on getting a claw meershuem and a brair pipe. I know you shouldn't smoke brair pipes from pipe after pipe after pipe so I was going to get the meershuem for in between and plus they look cool! But after debating I decided to go with the old trusty MM corn cob. I ordered two first one was a straight diplomat and the other a county gentalman. I got these because I didn't want to buy a 150 dollar pipe and somehow mess up with it and ruin it so I got a couple cheap corncobs but heard a lot of good things from MM. Plus I wanted to try a bunch of different tobacco. So this is what I ordered for tobacco. 4oz dunhil early morning, 4oz dunhil nightcap, 2 2oz tins of HH blockhouse, 2oz of eggnog, 2 2oz tins Boston 1776, 2oz SG full Virginia flake, 2 2oz tins frogmortin cellar, and a sampler from lane tobaccos of 5 2oz bags. My order will be hear tomorrow and I will post back then and let you know how it gos!!!!
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