Indoor Smoking

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Nov 25, 2012
I am reading all the posts about people not smoking due to the cold weather around the country and find it hard to believe that so many people have significant others that will not allow you to enjoy your hobby in your own home. For some I am sure it may be personal preference not to smoke in the house, but I hear others complain that that are not allowed. I say remember that you BOTH live there. My wife was not very fond at first of me making my smoking room, but now rarely says a word about it as she realizes we both make sacrifices for each other to keep each other happy. Compromise is a big part of any relationship in my book.

I smoke outdoors when I want and I smoke in my den when I want. I keep a air purifier running in the winter and window open in summer.

Give and Take, it works both ways.



Nov 3, 2013
In the sticks in Mississippi
05, I agree with you totally on this. Fortunately my wife and I both enjoy pipes, and we're usually on the same page as far as tobacco use goes. But for couples in any type of relationship, it seems that there should be a way to work out something that is a satisfying compromise for both parties. Got to work at it if it's worth having, or you'll be like my dad who said, "marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence!" :D



Oct 15, 2013
To each his own, but I couldn't continue to do something that I know makes my wife unhappy. We each find ways to pursue our hobbies without undue strain on each other.
My wife enjoys playing musical instruments but not while I'm watching TV or listening to something else. It's just a different kind of compromise, not about a king in his castle sort of thing. It's more like mutual respect, not some sort of unilateral edict.
The air purifier is something I'm going to look into this Spring. When myself and my two sons get to puffing in the smoking room it can get pretty dense.



Jul 27, 2012
Give and Take, it works both ways.
I agree - it does work both ways. In my case, my wife asked me if I would mind not smoking in the house. She put up with it for quite a while even though it bothered her (she's sensitive to odors and smoke) so now I will smoke in the basement during the winter months. Occasionally I will smoke in the house, but I know my wife (and my daughters) would prefer that I don't.
If I wanted to be inconsiderate, I could ignore my wife's request, but then I'd feel like I was being a jerk about it.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 6, 2014
Willow Grove, PA
All good points here. For me, I smoke in doors in the winter in moderation. My main concern is that I don't want my children's clothes to smell when they go to school. I keep a window open or a air purifier running most of the time.



Jun 1, 2013
For me, it boils down to respect. Smoking is a selfish act, and assuming people will like the smell of my tobacco is not fair to people around me. Honestly, I try to be considerate of people around me even when I am smoking outside. This has nothing to do with health, and everything to do with respect. Can I smoke in my house, yes. Will I smoke in my house, rarely. Will I smoke in a large crowd of people, no. Why? Again, it boils down to respect.



Dec 5, 2012
Bronx, NY
Number6 and Nothern:
I agree with both of you. My wife is extremely considerate in the fact that she really hates the smokey smell (a former cigarette smoker-they are the worst!) but lets me smoke in the lower level of the house.
I know that the smoke travels, but I have an air filter running. She knows it is important to me, so she grins and bears it.
I believe that smoking is a selfish activity, when I finally sit and think about it (while smoking my pipe) :)
Don't get me wrong--life is full of selfish activities.



Can't Leave
Jan 15, 2014
The ayatollah herself guilts me about it cause 'the dogs might get cancer' which of course is total balls, but yknow. I dont really mind, but i smoke a lot of lat and it really smells, and i dont want my hosue to smell.



Nov 25, 2012
I am in no way saying to be disrepectful,selfish or anything like that. I am simply saying that there needs to be give and take and it needs to come from both parties.

My wife would not expect me to give up smoking due to the weather as I would not smoke throughout my home. That is why I designated a room to be my "ManCave" per se.



Might Stick Around
Sep 9, 2013
I hear your outcry "o5venturer"! To me, it does not matter to much where I smoke. At the moment, it is indoors, just simply due to the weather conditions. But I tend to smoke outside as well, and enjoy it just as much. :puffy:



Starting to Get Obsessed
Jan 7, 2014
It's a personal choice for me. Just like I don't smoke in my vehicles either.
I guess my wife is just fortunate that her husband doesn't want the smoke in the house any more than she does! :P

Jan 29, 2014
We all know the effect of smoking. First hand smokers and second hand smokers really experience the effects of smoking. You should smoke if you're alone and no kids around.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Oct 4, 2013
I'm an outdoorsman and prefer to smoke outside. There are limits though. What I hated was the pissing&moaning about the way I smelled when I came back in. She knew what I was before marriage. No worries now. I find I'm much more self concious now. It's kind of a privelege to smoke indoors. Don't abuse it, be considerate and it should be cool. I hope the mancave isn't on some legislators' to do list.



Dec 25, 2010
Columbus, Ohio
When I first got into cigars, before the pipe, I made sure to include the wife. We had been dating about a year. She started small, petite corona size, but now prefers 6x60's. My ingenious plan worked out in that we both smoke indoors.



Oct 22, 2013
During the term of my former unpleasantness, the exspousal unit and I came to such a compromise. Neither one of us liked funky smells in our house, we just differed over which smells were funky. She hated latakia and really hated Oriental, I didn't want my house to smell like a kennel and hated dogs and cats inside. So while the weather had to cooperate for me to smoke comfortably, at least my clothes and house weren't permeated with that God awful indoor pooch smell.



Can't Leave
Sep 4, 2013
Nature Coast of Florida
My wife let me smoke in the house for a while. What it came down to for me was her health and the state of our house. As has been stated above, smoking IS a bit of a selfish act. The reason there are laws against it in public enclosed areas is because it affects everyone around us. I don't want my wife inhaling smoke unless she wants to smoke herself (she has picked up a pipe several times before to enjoy outside with me, but isn't really a "pipe smoker"). I also don't want our house to smell like smoke. Even pipe room notes that are pleasant can later turn to that smoker stank. My wife asked me later on if I could restrict my smoking outside because of the smell getting on our things. I agreed because she has never bothered me about smoking (a health hazard) and has respected my wanting to participate in it. Perfect give and take right there. She does like my pipe smell on ME though because she was very close with her grandfather who was also a big pipe smoker. She will actually sometimes smell my shirt when she hugs me because it always has that subtle vanilla smell that is nostalgic.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Sep 24, 2013
Waterford, Ct
My wife still smokes cigarettes so she can't say anything about what I'm smoking in my pipe. I can say she does not like the smell of Latakia, but her Newport 100s smell like ass to me so there is "our" compromise. We do not smoke throughout the house though. We smoke only in our bedroom and our 3 season porch. If she ever decides to quit cigarettes, maybe I can entice her to try a pipe, but for now we are polar opposites in the smoking world.



Starting to Get Obsessed
Mar 6, 2013
My wife and I are both old enough to decide whether or not we want to breathe in smoke in our house. My one-and-a-half year old daughter is not. So I don't make an issue of smoking in the house for her sake.



Aug 14, 2011
If you've never smoked your pipe indoors, you've never fully tasted the tobacco you've been smoking.
It takes on a whole other dynamic than outdoor smoking. It's hard to describe.

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