Indicators of Increase in Pipe Smoking

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Jul 21, 2015
I hardly ever see another Piper.
If you live in a city of one million, hypothetically, how many of those people do you actually see on a day-to-day basis?
The pipe smokers are out there... hiding in basements, lounges, converted smoking vans, deer blinds, bathyspheres, attics, bomb shelters, and decommissioned spacecraft. They can feel your presence and they light up in response.



Your Mom's Favorite Pipe Smoker
Aug 27, 2016
Aside from the 8 or 10 active members in my local club..
There's an older gentleman that lunts around the coffee shop I go to. When we cross paths we exchange a wink and a nod.

There's also a rather scraggly younger guy that pops up at said coffee shop infrequently. He smokes (and deeply inhales) the most cloying of aromatics. I've tried to nudge him in another direction but he doesn't seem interested.
Back in the Spring my pipe club had gathered in the outside smoking area of another coffee shop for a Saturday meeting. About 8 of us were sitting at a round table. Over the course of about 20 minutes, 5 or 6 18-20 year old boys had gathered at another table and they all lit up their basket pipes.

We (the club and i) looked on in amazement. We said hello and small talked a bit but never saw them again. Probably a short lived phase for them but one or two may eventually circle back to it.



Staff member
Aug 9, 2013
Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC
When you waiting on your wife to try on shoes at the mall, so you slip outside to smoke your pipe, and there are already three other guys smoking their pipes around the fountains.

When you pull into the hardware store, and the guys setting in the truck next to you is knocking his pipe out, while the guy loading pine straw is also smoking his pipe. But, of course there must be an exceptional high rate of smokers here. My wife says that I am a trend setter, because before I smoked a pipe, we never saw anyone under 70 smoking a pipe. But, now, looking at the car behind me on the road or beside me, I don’t get that same giddy “hey, another pipesmoker” feeling. I just know that there are going to be tons of us here, driving up the cost of pipes at The Briary, and taking my damned seat in the lounge. There is a downside to too many pipesmokers. :puffy:



Charter Member
May 5, 2009
I think people give the pipe a try and quit. I can't see someone developing a love for the pipe only being able to smoke outside. If pipe shows are any indication I rarely see a young person at a show more than once and I have a pretty good memory. 8O



Part of the Furniture Now
Oct 21, 2014


Nov 15, 2017
Hi, I'm new here & a woman & yes, I have recently picked up the pipe again. I am hoping you guys are right & there is a renewed interest in pipe smoking. I was a long time cigarette smoker who quit almost 9 years ago & toward the end of quitting cigs, picked up a pipe. I never smoked in public, ordered my tobacco online and only smoked on my very private patio. I gathered a small collection of used pipes, several of them with issues but they nonetheless smoked well. I enjoyed it. After a long hiatus, I've picked up the pipe again & while I'm still only smoking occasionally on my patio, I'm greatly enjoying my renewed interest in pipe smoking. On a visit to a Tinderbox to find some tobacco, I found it to be a lot more welcoming than the first time out. I really have no interest in smoking in public, but I think there must be more women out there who enjoy it like I do. I am hoping that more women take it up. I've learned a lot reading these forums, thank you.



Feb 21, 2013
msjones', welcome aboard. Too many of women members have drifted away from Forums, so I'm glad to see you here. You are yourself an indicator of an increase in pipe smoking, perhaps. Yes, I find the information, opinions, history, and comment here useful. I like to scan the "what are you smoking" thread to get ideas about blends as well as how members pair their pipes with their blends.



Nov 13, 2012
It does seem like there was quite an uptick in interest after the Lord of the Rings movies came out. I'm still trying to figure out how to make a smoke sailboat like Gandalf's to sail through Bilbo's smoke ring.



May 26, 2012
Sarasota Florida
Welcome Ms Jones. Tell us a little about your pipes and what tobacco you enjoy. If you have questions please ask away. We are always willing to help out the new smokers of this site. There is no such thing as a dumb question here. I have learned so much over the years I have spent here.



Can't Leave
Aug 29, 2016
Not going to lie - I was, at one point, reluctant to smoke my pipe in public. Maybe it was because of my age and the social stereotype that only older people smoke them.
Not anymore. I usually always have one in my mouth when I’m out and about, and even though I’ve heard a few snide remarks, most people actually are interested in it or just simply don’t care.
As for vaping, I did that, but it was ridiculously expensive - I started having heart flutters and just got tired of my mods either breaking or worrying if the batteries would short out. Having to memorize Ohms Law when all I want to do is enjoy smoke was my last straw.
Pipe smoking is so much easier and I try my best to spread the gospel of the briar.



Nov 15, 2017
Thanks everyone. I'm trying out different tobaccos but right now my favorite is Sutliff 'Night Cap'. I'm usually so busy I don't smoke that often but it is such a pleasure to be able to just sit and enjoy a good smoke now & again.I am really interested in trying out some English blends, but haven't yet (& that is perhaps for another board). I'm sure I will have a question or two (or 10) but for now, just hello all & I'm glad pipe smoking is still around. I do hope this thread is onto something & more people are picking up a pipe. I am the only woman I know who uses a pipe; every other woman I know who smokes, smokes cigarettes as I used to do. The smell of a pipe is so much more enjoyable, imho.



Jul 21, 2015
Not anymore. I usually always have one in my mouth when I’m out and about, and even though I’ve heard a few snide remarks, most people actually are interested in it or just simply don’t care.
The best way to play it off, in my view, is the old school way: it's just something that you do all day that makes life better, like having a bucket of cold beers by the front door or a loaded shotgun under the sofa.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
metal: Right you are. I smoke a pipe for my enjoyment, not others. I really do not care what others think, pro or con, nor am I out to ensnare others in my wee vice. I neither like nor dislike a person because they smoke a pipe. I'm more discerning in my choice of acquaintances. I will look at how comfortable another smoker appears with the pipe when I see one. It's interesting to note if they are seeking attention or simply enjoying themselves and the pipe. Figuring that out is usually fairly easy.
When I was chasing the coeds, just starting the pipe in college, the pipe was always displayed. Now, it's just an appendage, doing what it is designed to do, deliver nicotine and sometimes, a bit of serenity.

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