It's a little bit like Dunhill in that you're paying extra for the name. Bauer was, for many years, considered the top brand in meerschaum pipes. It sounds like you're wanting a meerschaum with a spigot mount and amber stem and the one you like just happens to be a Bauer. So you can buy the pipe that fits your needs and pay extra for the name, or you could contact one of the better meerschaum makers and see about commissioning one to your specs.
I paid about $110 for my nice little Bauer with an amberoid stem, which was unsmoked when I bought it, but it's a regular push tenon from the 1960's and not sterling mounted. It's a good smoker and certainly worth what I paid for it.
I paid about $110 for my nice little Bauer with an amberoid stem, which was unsmoked when I bought it, but it's a regular push tenon from the 1960's and not sterling mounted. It's a good smoker and certainly worth what I paid for it.