Today I finished a pound and a half Planter’s Peanut canister of PS Luxury Navy Flake and recharged the canister with another 1 1/2 pound box. This comes 12 flakes to the ounce, and there’s 288 flakes to the box.
One flake fills a medium pipe, and bigger ones take up to four.
All PS LNF is made of is mostly very old Virgina tobaccos plus a dollop of Perique and glued together with a sugary secret sauce.
It’s a classic Va Per at $3.35 an ounce in bulk.
It tastes like an excellent Va Per. There may be slightly better Va Per tobaccos at thee times the price, or the fact you paid $10 an ounce might convince you they are better.
If you want to build your cellar during a slight lull in the War Against Demon Tobacco PS LNF will never be cheaper than today.
It gets better the longer it sits in the box.
It is a must have, in any well rounded cellar of tobaccos.