The Kaywoodie Ruff-Tone is a wonderful old pipe, outmoded but all the better for it. It's a Drinkless, which means a stinger. My particular version is an author shape, more or less, and the Ruff-Tone series has wide grooves running down the bowl, seven of them, for luck I suppose, and four more on the shank, two on either side. There is faint visible grain, and nothing poetic, but it is a compact little package with plenty of bowl for its size and weight. Right now I'm smoking C&D Super Balkan in it, and it smokes effortlessly, no particular weight, good balance, smooth draw, just nifty. I never mind unscrewing the stem to wipe off the stinger, and I even imagine it refines the smoke a bit. U.S. factory pipes, maybe especially the outmoded ones, have a certain staid glory. They don't all flash and most don't glow, but they sure do smoke well. I can't think of a single complaint.