There has to be a cure, and I need it BAD! I went to see Jesse Jones today to pick up my new commissioned pipe. This one - Tan Blast Bent Dublin with Bloodwood inlay and Juma stem.
While I was there, he showed me this one - Sandblasted Bent Billiard with Brindle stem, Army Mount & faux bone ferrule.
A couple of pipes got traded, and now she's mine too!
Being the good friends that they are, Jesse and Scott threw in a NOS 50 year old Jelling Dublin! So picking up one pipe turned into bringing all three of these home! -
I really would benefit from therapy and/or medication!

While I was there, he showed me this one - Sandblasted Bent Billiard with Brindle stem, Army Mount & faux bone ferrule.

A couple of pipes got traded, and now she's mine too!
Being the good friends that they are, Jesse and Scott threw in a NOS 50 year old Jelling Dublin! So picking up one pipe turned into bringing all three of these home! -

I really would benefit from therapy and/or medication!