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Jul 21, 2015
Almost daily we get to read such stories but the most worrying aspect of it is how many of these murders are attributed to the law enforcement folks who are supposed to be protecting the populace.
I would be very careful about what you read in Pravda. We have two Pravdas, one on the Hudson and one on the Potomac. Yours has a three-letter name that identifies it with a certain body part. They lie, all of them, which is why we read them when the zampolit are present, but otherwise ignore them, yes?



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"When a 6' 2", 250 lb. thug tries to wrest a police officer's gun away and winds up getting shot, that is protecting the populace."
Fair enough, but what about the (Australian?) lady who reported a disturbance outside her property and ended up getting shot? The other bizarre thing in that event is the enforcement officer cannot be made to make a statement to his superiors as to what happened!
The chap with his hands on the steering wheel as was demanded who was then shot?
There are many such examples as I'm sure you're aware.



Oct 14, 2015
Sunny Cornwall, UK.
"Over the past few years the US has seen a series of civilian killings at the hands of police that have caused widespread concern and criticism."



Feb 13, 2015
Yes, there have been unjustified killings by police. Those officers are then charged and tried for the misdeeds they have committed.
Bear in mind that the "widespread concern and criticism" over the killing of scumbags who refuse to comply with lawful police commands often comes from fellow scumbags and scumbag sympathizers. I, for example, am a law-abiding citizen with person and property I want protected. You will hear little "concern and criticism" out of me. We are talking about escalated violence aimed at police officers and their reaction to it, not death squads roaming the streets. Hard to believe, but cops like to live, too.



The Bard Of Barlings
Jun 15, 2013
Southern Oregon
This is all about attempting to apply a bandaid to wounds caused by falling on a grenade. None of this is going to work and all of it misses the point. People have spent millennium in pursuit of a vision of civilization that has largely produced environments favorable to the breeding of madness. The solution is total annihilation, which we are quite possibly heading towards. Then let the molecular interactions begin anew. Perhaps the next chain of evolutionary accidents will product something more successful.



Feb 13, 2015
Well, I don't want to live in a cave, eating lizards, wondering how fire is made, and wiping my ass with pinecones. So, for as long as I'm stuck here, I'll try the "pursuing a vision of civilization" route.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
We, old cops, can't speak to today's officers, had a saying, "A**hole versus a**hole, no humans involved." It described shootings where the loss of either or both involved was a plus for society, and a conviction of the survivor was also a positive outcome if jail time was given. Those shootings are included in the statistics. Until someone comes up with a nicely sorted collection of shooting numbers, the stats are just stats. The statistics are broken down into subsets by the statisticians, lawful, not lawful, suicides, homicides, accidental, self-defense, terror, and many other subsets. These are the numbers which should be published, studied and conclusions drawn from.
New York City banned guns, many years ago, 1911(the so-called "Sullivan Act"). This was done by Tammany Hall, a notoriously corrupt bunch. The fear was their people would be endangered if society was allowed to carry concealed weapons for self-protection. It was successful in that only the "bad Guys" could walk around armed with impunity through the active assistance of a rather corrupt police department and socially acceptable corrupt governments in Albany and NYC.
I'm guessing that until Law Enforcement can demonstrate the ability to protect the public from violence, as opposed to only investigate after the violence has occurred, people will insist on being able to defend themselves and each other. It isn't the gun, it's the mental state of the person using the gun. So, there will be tragic accidental deaths, wrongful deaths, and suicides which are gun related, Such collateral damage is to be expected until the need for self-protection is gone.
I'm not picking an argument, I realize we Americans have a different mindset than the English. I remember back in the 90s a Russian Governor suggested people in his region should arm themselves as the Militia (police) could not provide protection. It was one of the reasons the joint venture I was involved in imported shotguns, a versatile weapon (defense and hunting), into the Federation. Business was good.
I suspect, should a "defenseless" woman "double tap" a couple of acid throwers on motor scooters on the streets of London, such behavior would cease almost immediately.
"Over the past few years the US has seen a series of civilian killings at the hands of police that have caused widespread concern and criticism."
Not as wide spread as foreign media would like you to believe. The concern is real. The criticisms are often simply the voice of certain organizations. These groups rely in the press to keep the moneys flowing in and providing a "soap box" for a deeper and more profound agenda. The use of "civilian", "hands of police" and "widespread" was intentional and intended to evoke, not careful thought, but an emotional response.
The quote begs the question, "What percentage of those shootings were found to be criminal acts?" I suspect that number did not appear in the article. That information would fly in the face of newspaper's intent to sell newspapers. Foreign media love to promote the "wild west" image of the US. And, why not, such feeds the masses interest.



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
A personal observation: I always knew I was being paid to take a bullet or otherwise injured. It was simply part of the job. But, I also believed I was not being paid to be stupid. My job was to protect the prey and deny success to the predators.
Preventing a crime is success. Having to investigate a crime is acknowledging a failure in Law Enforcement.



Feb 13, 2015
And going home alive should be a priority, whenever possible. Hell, everyone enjoys that, no matter how hazardous the job.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Back to the OP, when has nicotine ever had the side effect of suicidal thoughts? Doctors have tried several anti anxiety medications on me, and all left me unable to feel any substantial emotions. One even made me forget my own name once. Alcohol in moderation, and nicotine help sooth my nerves more than any of the modern pharmaceuticals.



Feb 13, 2015
Well, there's your trouble, Duane. They're supposed to try them on monkeys and rats and stuff, not on you! :wink:



Might Stick Around
Nov 10, 2015
This sure is a cheery string. Luckily at my age I do not require any forms of medication except some Knob Creek once in awhile, and my daily pipes.
In all my years I would never have worked in law enforcement. I just couldn't imagine working a job where my life is on the line at all times. You could be walking up to a house where the lovely couple is having little disagreement, and you end up dead. I have the utmost respect for those who choose to do that job. Some will say that every job has it's risk, but that is more than a risk. I worked in the petroleum/chemical industry for most of my life and yes there were risked there, but they were manageable risks. I know that I was exposed to many carcinogens, and yes there was always the chance of a catastrophic event. However, people are an unmanageable risk. You just don't know what to hell they will do next. So when you hear of another Cop related shooting put yourself in that officer's shoes.
The media just loves to put the spin on things to sell more. BBC World News used to be the gold standard for reporting. Now it isn't any different then the National Enquirer. So much for unbiased reporting. My 2¢...



Sep 13, 2013
Foothills of the Chugach Range, AK
Whatever works or, you think works, works. That's the the goal. Much as I pooh pooh nicotine or pipes for relaxing, if it works for you, go for it. Placebos often work better or as well as the pharmaceutical being tested. Why? Who cares?


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
I've always thought it was funny how when a new med is introduced, you get a heavily dramatized commercial praising it, the six months later you get the next commercial where the med is under a class action lawsuit for side effects or death and how you may be entitled to a settlement.



Might Stick Around
Nov 10, 2015
chasingembers - You are so right! Do you remember the testosterone supplement commercials? "You're not a man unless your wiener stands up." Man, those lawsuits will be in the courts forever.
Warren - You're speaking the gospel.


Chasing Embers

Captain of the Black Frigate
Nov 12, 2014
Ninety year old man "My weiner won't stand up"
Mother Nature "No kidding, you're ninety"
Big Pharma "Here, take this pill"
Ninety year old man "My weiner exploded!"
Big Pharma "Here's a settlement check"
Mother Nature " :rofl: "

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