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Jan 31, 2011
...the future is now. This is just plain creepy:
This hot robot says she wants to destroy humans



Jun 3, 2015
True, Brian, Orwell and Huxley were Fabian Socialist. In fact, the modern American Progressive is A Fabian. Of course they're really regressive but you get the point.



Jan 31, 2011
Yes, quite right Perdurabo. And on the "other side" we have followers of Trotsky ("neocons") masquerading as conservatives. Unfortunately for those of us who just want to be left the hell alone (as the Eagles said in The Last Resort) "there is no more new frontier...we have got to make it here".



Jan 31, 2011
As I recall they were "bioengineered" robots...but still a robot (depending on how you want to define it I guess). When you consider the implications of what is said in the above video regarding the projection of where they're headed with all of this, need only imagine a little. Especially if you factor in the advances in genetic engineering. (What is genetically engineered can be patented...many implications to that.)
And as a rule of thumb, whatever is being shown publicly is likely at least a couple of decades behind what has actually been developed. It's only a matter of time until something closer to this is achieved:
EDIT: And don't forget these guys are out there already too (and again I suspect there are advances way beyond this already):
Google's Skynet Robots



Jun 3, 2015
Right On Brian, NeoCons yester-years Hippie.
The Technocrats (Google/Facebook) want a permanent underclass. Because of the lack of spirituality in these elites, they do not believe man is a shell that the spirit resides. They want material immortality. Science hasn't found the seat of man's consciousness, yet you hear that we will be able to transfer our brains into one of these robots and live forever in the near future. In fact,in the near future, the underclass will bitch and moan because a robot has taken away their job. The robot then will claim singularity and proclaim its God given right to the job and arm up with the local Unified Robot Workers Union. What Then Regressives?



Part of the Furniture Now
Jan 13, 2015
Northern Germany
With that much money private owned companies like Google or Facebook have they can fund a whole lot of research (and are doing so already). I truly believe in the things brain674 wrote: Our level of science and achievement is fundamentally higher than we are led to believe. Just this years Googles AI succeeded over a human master in the highly complex game of GO. Couple that with robotics and what do you get? The singularity is just around the corner! Question is where will it lead us?



Jan 31, 2011
@Stvalentine: Well said. I don't think very many people realize how advanced a lot of this stuff already is and how great the impact will be.
@Drwatson: lol ... Let us all hope and pray that nothing humans create ever achieves self-awareness.
@Perdurabo: I agree with everything you said with one exception. In my view "neocon" is really just the new term that has replaced what used to be called the "Rockefeller wing" of the Republican party. I don't see the resemblance between those people and hippies. Also, hippies get painted with too broad a brush imo...they weren't all socialists or communists...I see a strong libertarian streak in there as well. But that's just my perception...I was too young to be a part of it.
Well said regarding the Technocrats. IMO, they will never succeed in their quest for material immortality, because matter is an artifact of consciousness rather than the other way around as they believe. But much of their bio and geo engineering is dangerous and being done without public awareness or consent.
I'm reminded of this portion of Eisenhower's farewell address:
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present – and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.



Jul 21, 2015
And on the "other side" we have followers of Trotsky ("neocons") masquerading as conservatives.
Very interesting. A good time for me to revisit Nietzsche and Chesterton.

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