I’m very new to pipe smoking, and I started out with matches. They’re fine for what they are, and I feel like we should all learn the art of lighting with matches in case we have no other option. Having said that... pipes can be hard to keep lit sometimes in my experience. And if you’re struggling with re lights, matches are a royal pain in the ass after a while. I just bought a lighter a couple days ago and my pipe smoking enjoyment has increased by 1000% and that is not an exaggeration. I bought a Kiribi Kabuto Mizo and I’m head over heels. The quality and craftsmanship are outstanding. It takes regular old butane and it lights like a champ. If you’re going to buy a lighter that you depend on, buy a good one. That’s my philosophy with anything that you’ll use all the time. Pony up the dough once and enjoy the hell out of it for years to come. Seriously, i HIGHLY recommend the Kiribi’s. All around an excellent buy. I had sticker shock but it’s immediately obvious when you use one that it’s a worthy investment. Just my two cents.