I recently found my Holy Grail of beers,
Bell's Special Double Cream Stout.
The store where I found it at was all sold out when I returned for more, so I drove to another good store and they didn't have it either, although they did have Bell's Porter which is damn good too!
SDCS is a specialty and only made in the winter, I guess there's a limited amount.
I was frustrated when i couldn't find any more because i was wanting some very badly!
I checked out Bell's website and they have an excellent local store finder,
nothing close to me, but a 45 min drive is allright as long as I can get some more, in fact, buy 'em out and go around to all the listed stores (calling first to verify they actually have it on hand) and gather everything I can find!
It's the perfect baccy beer and a great match for the stuff I like to smoke.
I'm not too knowledgeable about beer, but i've been reading a bit and it seems ifya wanna cellar stuff, hi alc is best to go with, but I found this informative blog post and it's a good read about what happens to my new favorite when it's 3 years old!
For those of you who are just joining us, yes we know we probably shouldn’t be cellaring this beer. Its ABV is low-ish which doesn’t make it a prime candidate for the cellar. However this Adventures in CellarSitting series (scroll up for more details) was built on the premise of cellaring beers that aren’t normally cellared. So here we are, with a three-year-old bottle of Bell’s Special Double Cream Stout.
And mark it down: year three was the year Bell’s Special Double Cream Stout got weird. It wasn’t a good weird or a bad weird — but it was most definitely weird.