As was mentioned, the fridge is bad news for your tobacco. I just keep mine in a closed wooden wine box raised a few feet off the floor where it is at the normal humidity, shielded from light, and at a constant temperature... I don't know if that's the "proper" way to do it but so far, so good... I've never had a problem with mold or spoiled tobacco in the past 2 years.
As for a beer fridge being a cellar, if you intend to store beer for the long term then you are better off leaving it at room temperature or just a few degrees cooler. (You may just have been jesting about that, but a lot of people actually age beer - myself included!) Keeping it in a refrigerator will slow the maturation process and it will also wreak havoc on any beer that is corked... I'd recommend that you store beer in a cool, dark place that is free of vibration and traffic. Constant temperature is again a must... Also, it is only stronger beers that are cellar-worthy such as imperial stouts, barleywines, Belgian quadrupels, and the like. (The darker beers will generally last longer than lighter ones of the same strength.)