at the peak of their career - in concert - who would it be and when?
Example: The Beatles in 1964 because uh, you love screaming teenagers (this is not my choice, I'm just using it as an example)
(Also, feel free to brag that you actually did get to see Bob Dylan and The Band at a 4-H cookout, or the Ramones in your school cafeteria in 1978 or something.)
(Aaaaand of course my newbie ass didnt put it in the right forum so feel free to ban me or whatever.)
Example: The Beatles in 1964 because uh, you love screaming teenagers (this is not my choice, I'm just using it as an example)
(Also, feel free to brag that you actually did get to see Bob Dylan and The Band at a 4-H cookout, or the Ramones in your school cafeteria in 1978 or something.)
(Aaaaand of course my newbie ass didnt put it in the right forum so feel free to ban me or whatever.)