I have to get a license to drive a car because not knowing how to properly operate it, or having a history of dangerous behavior poses a danger to other people.
I have to get a license to fish so that the resource has some controls and there will be fish for my grand children.
I have to get a license to operate my boat if I take passengers.
My daughter in law has to get a license to cut hair.
I did not have to get a license to buy my shot guns, my Beretta 9mm or my ammo - Why not? All of the above do not have the express purpose of being lethal. I did complete a NRA gun safety program a long time ago. It should be a mandatory pre-requirement.
If you are so afraid of your own government that you do not want to qualify for a license, do you drive a car without a license? Why should owning a gun be any different?
We have the right to bear arms but reasonable controls are entirely appropriate. I have the right to free speech but there are reasonable limits. I do not have the right to shout fire in a crowded theater.
The only legitimate purposes that remains for gun ownership are hunting, collecting and competition. Guns that serve these purposes should be allowed and all other not.
Having guns to be able to "rise against" the government is ridiculous when that government has helicopters gunships, PRGs, and bombs at its disposal.
There should be education requirements and health/safety checks. Just as a blind person should not be issued a drivers license, a mentally disturbed person or one with a criminal record should not be allowed to own a gun.
Yes yes yes, this will not prevent a determined criminal from getting a gun. Just because some people drive cars without a license does not mean that we should abandon the practice of licensing drivers.
As the old saying goes, your right to wave your fists around stop at the tip of my nose. When indiscriminate gun and ammo sales endanger the public, the public has the right, through its democratically elected representative, to impose reasonable limits on gun ownership. The second amendment does not confer an unlimited right to endanger human life.