Tune in, wouldn't it be something Rumors spreading into panic
brian64 Lifer Jan 31, 2011 10,322 17,091 Sep 19, 2019 #21 Tune in, wouldn't it be something Rumors spreading into panic
rmpeeps Lifer Oct 17, 2017 1,149 1,887 San Antonio, TX Sep 19, 2019 #22 I kinda wonder how many of those idots land up in Groom, TX instead of Groom Lake?!! Reactions: bnichols23
perdurabo Lifer Jun 3, 2015 3,305 1,582 Sep 19, 2019 #23 I’ll just take a pack of Marlboro Reds. Reactions: rmpeeps
Elric Lifer Sep 19, 2019 2,596 12,305 Liplapper Lane (Michigan) Sep 20, 2019 #24 Lane Wild Hare. You'll have a better chance of seeing them in the desert than aliens.
cosmicfolklore Moderator Staff member Aug 9, 2013 35,969 85,885 Between the Heart of Alabama and Hot Springs NC Sep 20, 2019 #25 When they give the government plenty of time to move the aliens before they storm it, what do they think they'll find? puf Reactions: perdurabo
When they give the government plenty of time to move the aliens before they storm it, what do they think they'll find? puf
perdurabo Lifer Jun 3, 2015 3,305 1,582 Sep 20, 2019 #26 Cosmic, on entering Hanger 18 they’ll probably find a Brand new 57 Chevy, parked next to a pump at a Gulf Gas Station. They’ll shit their pants when Gomer comes out and says “Howdy!” Reactions: cosmicfolklore
Cosmic, on entering Hanger 18 they’ll probably find a Brand new 57 Chevy, parked next to a pump at a Gulf Gas Station. They’ll shit their pants when Gomer comes out and says “Howdy!”
gatorlope Part of the Furniture Now Feb 5, 2019 503 199 South Florida Sep 21, 2019 #27 First things first- If they don’t let me bring coffee, I don’t want to go!